Frequently Asked Questions about the Partnership Grants Program

This page addresses frequently asked questions about the Center’s Partnership Grants program.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the RFA released?

In the fall, typically mid-September.

When are proposals due?

The proposal deadline is November 14, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. (eastern time).

When are funding decisions made?

Expected by: February 15, 2025.

Who is eligible to submit a proposal (as a project director)?

Anyone in the region, including those who are not part of land-grant institutions, are eligible as long as they are able to meet the criteria for subrecipients required by federal regulations and Cornell University. Project directors must work and conduct the relevant work in the Northeast (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C.). People outside the region may collaborate with eligible project directors. Project directors based at Cornell University must be PI eligible within the university.

What is the purpose of the grant?

The efforts of the Center are organized under six Signature Programs and four cross-cutting issues where our leadership and advisory bodies see the greatest need. At present, the areas of focus for the programs are (not in order of priority):

  • Community IPM
  • IPM and Organic Systems
  • Climate Change and Pests
  • Pollinators
  • Next Generation Education
  • Advanced Production Systems

The four cross-cutting issues are:

  • Diversity in IPM
  • Emerging Invasive Species
  • Pesticide Resistance
  • Economics

Funded projects are expected to contribute significantly to the adoption and/or development of IPM in one or more Signature Program while addressing one or more cross-cutting issue through the following:

  • Forming partnerships among growers, scientists, educators, environmental groups, governmental agencies, and other audiences for the purpose of advancing IPM
  • Increasing knowledge about pests and how to manage them in traditional and new settings
  • Establishing or addressing regional IPM priorities for research and extension
  • Teaching others how to use IPM to decrease risks associated with pest management
  • Developing capacity for growing food sustainably using IPM

What kinds of projects are funded?

There are three project types:

  • IPM Applied Research
  • IPM Working Groups
  • IPM Communications

How can I determine what project type best fits my idea?

Project types may not be combined into one proposal. More than one project type for a specific topic may be submitted. However, this is not recommended because the projects will compete against each other, and typically the Center does not fund more than one project per state each year. For example, an emerging pest issue could be addressed through:

  1. a detailed and strategically planned assembly of individuals (Working Group), or
  2. a focused applied research project (Applied Research), or
  3. the development of publication(s) and/or a pest management strategic plan (Communications), or
  4. the collaboration of PDs submitting 3 complementary proposals listed above.

If you have an idea for an IPM proposal but are not sure which project type is appropriate, please see the table below.

IPM Applied Research
Identifies gap in knowledge that prevents IPM adoption
Designs experiment(s) to build knowledge
Presents/publishes results, including to extension/outreach colleagues/community
Results in new knowledge or practices that improve efficacy of IPM
IPM Working Groups
Identifies and convenes stakeholders around defined topic
Identifies gaps in knowledge, adoption of practices, or communication
Develops plan for addressing gaps (for example: white paper, proposal, conference)
Results in new or enhanced efforts to advance adoption of IPM
IPM Communications
Identifies an audience(s) that lack knowledge of IPM
Synthesizes knowledge and research results
Disseminates information by methods appropriate to identified audiences
Results in changes in behavior or conditions, specifically adoption of IPM

How do I apply?

You or your authorized organizational representative must submit the proposal online. Download the RFA and follow the instructions for preparing your proposal.

Applications are submitted via the Center’s online grant management system. You must create an account or log in to the system to submit a proposal. For a quick introduction to the grant management system, watch these tutorial videos.

What is required in the application?

A project summary, project narrative, budget, budget justification, current and pending support forms, conflict of interest forms, documentation of collaboration, curriculum vitae, signature page, and logic model (for Working Group and Communications projects only). Please see the RFA for complete details.

My project will benefit primarily my own state. Is this acceptable?

All applicants to the Partnership Grants program should convincingly show benefits to the region. If your project doesn’t show regional benefits, please consider applying to another program.

Who writes the RFA?

The Center writes the RFA and maintains authority over them.

What is the funding success rate for this program?

It varies. We typically fund 8–13 projects per year, with a funding rate of 25–50% of proposals.

What is the grant duration?

For 2025, projects may be up to six (6) months in duration. PDs should propose a March 1, 2025, start date and a completion date of August 31, 2025.

How much money is available?

Approximately $160,000 is available for the 2025 funding cycle.

What are typical award amounts?

Up to $40,000 per project. (Up to $50,000 for projects that meet competitive preference priority 2.)

What are the allowable indirect costs (“overhead”)?

30% of Total Funds Awarded.

Who disburses the funds?

Cornell University.

How can I get more information?

Visit our website,, or contact Jana Hexter by telephone, (607) 254-8097, or email:

When is the RFA webinar?

An informational webinar will be held October 9, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. The webinar will be recorded and posted on the Center’s website for those unable to attend. Individuals can join the webinar here.